Health and Wellness News

Seniors Serving Seniors Membership Drive

Due to COVID-19, we, like many other organizations, have suffered a large loss of United Way funding and are hoping a membership drive would buffer this loss. Our membership is very small at the moment and we are hoping members of the congregation would be interested in becoming a member of Seniors Serving Seniors to support our program delivery and community.

The programs we offer are: 

Senior Services Directory (The Blue Book): The Seniors’ Services Directory contains over 500 listings of community resources and is reviewed and updated every two years by a Directory Committee. The committee comprises Island Health nurses and social workers, and professionals from Greater Victoria seniors’ agencies to ensure ongoing quality and relevance of the publication.

Senior Link is a one-stop, comprehensive information and referral service for older persons in the Greater Victoria Area. We rely on three volunteers to support all calls received on our phone line.  This was the first program established by the society in 1981 and remains relevant today. Seniors Serving Seniors is the ‘go-to’ organization for information services for seniors in the Greater Capital Region. Specially trained volunteer Referral Agents provide a referral to all of the non-medical emergency resources available in the region and support for everyday problems.

Return to Health:  Healthcare professionals from Island Health (South) refer frail seniors transitioning to/from hospital to the program.  On receiving a referral, the Community Services Coordinator will meet with the client and match them with a specially trained Return to Health Volunteer.  We support seniors who have no family or friends and usually low income with grocery shopping/delivery, driving to essential appointments, companionship, and more. We rely on 35 volunteers to provide these services.

Seniors in Stitches:  The Seniors in Stitches group originated in 1996 when a few of the elder volunteers suggested they would like to continue their contribution to Seniors Serving Seniors through knitting. Their good spirits, as the name “Seniors in Stitches” suggests, has attracted other knitters to join the fun. The volunteer knitters meet once a month to share patterns, sort through yarn and bring in items newly made. Sweaters, mittens, hats and blankets are catalogued and stored until Christmas, when the group presents the gift to the children at the Cridge Centre for the Family.

The cost of membership is $20 a year.  Members receive a copy of directory mailed to them personally, attendance and voting at our Annual General Meeting held in June where we have interesting and lovely speakers.  At this time we are currently working on improving the perks of membership and open to ideas.

Please contact Vicki at 250-413-3211 or email